Causes (top 100 only)
A. Arts and Culture1. Facebook en català (goal achieved): 33.987 members (+4.405) ; position 13 (+1)
2. Castells, Patrimoni de la Humanitat (Catalan human towers): 5.516 members (+1.135); position 98 (-4)
B. Education
1. Salvem els pronoms febles (let's save our pronouns): 6.689 members (+1.216) ; position 56 (-7)
C. Political campaigns
1. Una nació, una selecció - National teams for Catalonia: 17.568 members (+4.468) ; position 38 (=)
2. Catalunya Network: 11.919 members (+3.213) ; position 50 (+3)
3. Convertim les places de toros en places de castellers! (Let's turn bull squares into Catalan human towers squares!): 7.962 members (NEW!); position 71
(Out of our ranking but next:) Vull el DNI català (I want my own Catalan Identity Card) : 3.702 members; position 136.
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